This is a traditional, very simple side dish that, although common to various parts of Italy, I particularly associate with my grandmother as it's the way she'd make artichokes for my dad, the only way he liked eat them.
You'll just need 4 main ingredients - artichokes, potatoes, garlic and parsley - and can choose to sauté or bake for a lighter version.
Ingredients (for 4 as a side dish)
4 artichokes
500g potatoes, peeled and cubed
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
3 cloves garlic, minced finely
A large bunch parsley, chopped finely
Salt and pepper to taste
1 lemon
Eliminate the outer leaves, tops, and inside parts of artichokes. Cut each into quarters and submerge in water and lemon juice to prevent them from darkening.
Heat the oil and add the garlic, let it brown a little. Add the potatoes, artichokes and season with salt and pepper. Top with parsley.
Cover with a lid and cook on medium heat, stirring occasionally and adding a few splashes of water if it gets too dry. Cook until the potatoes and artichokes are fork-tender. Serve warm.
You can alternatively bake them at 180°C for about 25 minutes.
Word of the Day
(Carciofo, pronounced car·ció·fo)